Our Story

Who are the Shiny, Happy Travelers?

We’re Melinda & Erik- we like to travel the world, eat yummy food, drink good beer, take pretty pictures & have jolly good fun in Tess, our 1965 Airstream Safari.

What’s your story?

We met in middle school in 1978, although despite going to a small school, appearing in yearbook photos together and even signing each other’s yearbook, we have no recollection of each other! Fast forward to 2019 when we meet again for the very first time- after many life adventures and changes we both found ourselves back in our small hometown, both retired and dealing with older parents. At the start of COVID we bought Tess the Airstream and committed to having jolly good fun whenever possible.

Where are you going?

Wherever possible, whenever possible! Dealing with older parents keeps us from perpetually traveling, but family is important to both of us. Long term we’d like to go to one location for 6-8 months at a time and use it as a jump off point to see other places. In the meantime we are content with short getaways in Tess, and big adventures as we can work them in.

 Legal disclaimer here: Whenever we use something in restoring our Airstream, or any travel related products, we try to provide links for the items. As a way of paying for the site we decided to affiliate with Amazon, so we are legally required to state that “As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.” We doubt that will ever amount to much, but we appreciate any amount we get!